Sunday, January 3, 2010

New year new life?

It's been really long since I had post.. Firstly, would like to wish all a happy new year, though through this vacant time, I highly doubt that there are frequent visitors.
Lets see, a look-back to the past first.. Think about it, i had really wasted a lot of time doing lots of unnecessary things. However, through all this I had learn, I had grown and was able to widen my 'eye-sight' more. I have taken quite a big step this year, doing things that I thought I was not capable of doing, though it was a failure, I learnt from it, how to do it right, react right and think right. *This very year, I also celebrated my first ever birthday with friends, though it was simple, I had enjoy it, i really do. *Next part, its this time of the year again, remember how was it like last year, don't want to emphasize on it. *This night, was a tedious night. It all didn't went right, from the start of it, to the end. However, when she held my hands, it felt really great, but i was not able to fulfill it, I was just too greedy, hoping too much. I had type a really long massage, I did not expect a reply, as I just wanted to say out how i feel. I was really shock when she gave a call, it was my very first time saying all this things. Although, it did not turn out the way i want it to be, I was still feeling happy for myself. Finally, I was able to step out this step, thanks to her.
2010- Its the start of a new life. Everything will never be the same again, was both looking forward and worried about it, but I knew it will all be fine. New year resolution? I think I will just keep it in my heart.
Starting to miss some of my friends already, hope that we will able to meet up next time.
To Bros and Sis:
Really happy to have known all of you. Every single one of you contributed to part of my life, will never forget what you all had said and taught me. Its seems that we have much affinity(07 08 09), hope that we will still be able to keep in contact.
Lastly, a new year had began, its another part of our life. Look back, learn from the past, you will sure be able to discover your inner self more. Hope everyone will be fine.

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